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An Overview Of Exante’s Downloadable Trading Platform

An Overview Of Exante’s Downloadable Trading Platform

Exante is a professional brokerage firm that aims to provide high-quality service to professionals in the finance industry. They have over 600,000 instruments on offer, in over 50 markets around the world. The firm also has over 10 years of experience and was founded by Alexey Kirienko Exante, Anatoly Knyazev and Gatis Eglitis. In this review, we take an overview of Exante’s trading platform and some of the features that it provides.

Exante’s Desktop And Mobile Platforms

Exante’s downloadable trading platform is available for both desktop and mobile operating systems. This means it can be installed on Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. It can also be found as an app in the App Store and Google Play. This means the trading platform can be accessed and used anytime, anywhere, so long as a trader has a good internet connection and an electronic device. This allows traders to keep up with the market and spot potential opportunities that may quickly arise.

All the versions include features such as account balance, trade activity, real-time market data, position overview, current orders and historic order overview, bond screener, transfers between accounts, an overview of transaction history, and more.

Chart Settings

Exante’s trading platform allows users to visualise all their financial data in a Chart in order to help them with better data-driven decisions regarding their finances. The Chart module can be found in the upper menu by clicking on Quotes > Chart. It is an essential tool for traders, and updates in real-time and shows current market quotes.

One thing that makes Exante different is that it allows traders to collaborate with one another by sharing Charts. This is done by right-clicking anywhere on the Chart, which will open a drop-down menu. Click on Share Link at the bottom, in order to create a shareable link that will replicate the Chart. After choosing this option, a deeplink is automatically created and copied to your clipboard. The deeplink will contain information on the instrument, the stock exchange, and the time frame.


All the instruments in Exante’s trading platform are organised in a tree-like structure. The Instruments are also gathered and grouped by type. Each instrument is also colour coded to make it stand out to traders. You can check which instrument you would like to see by clicking on its coloured icon. There are also filters to control the visibility of recently expired instruments and non-tradables.

If you are not sure what you want to trade at the moment, you can navigate to the tree by expanding its branches. On the other hand, if you know what you are looking for, you can type in a few letters into the search bar from the instrument’s name, ticker, Exchange, ISIN, or FIGI.

For traders who may not be very familiar with the instruments being offered, Exante has that covered too. You can right-click on a chosen instrument and click on Instrument Info to learn more about it. As its name suggests, Instrument Info provides all essential information regarding an instrument in real-time and visualised the trading schedule. This can include things like its Unit, Type, Levy Fee, Stamp Duty, Lot size, Price Step, Currency, Deliverables and more.

You can also use Instrument Info to find data on overnight rates, underlying, expiry date, and leverage rate. In fact, if you are frequently using margin trading, paying attention to an instrument’s leverage rate, concentration rate, and required margin is essential.


The Indicators window allows users to add, remove or customise some of the indicators that are used to help analyse the Chart. For instance, traders can personalise it by selecting and changing its colour, oversold bound size, period, and other features. Exante also provides traders with an extensive selection of indicators to choose from. These include Aroon, Bollinger Bands, CCI, Ichimoku, Price Channels and more. By default, users can see Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, IV, and Theoretical Price as indicators for the Options charts, as well as YTM (Yield to Maturity) for Bond charts. To remove all indicators, traders simply need to right-click on the chart and untick Show Indicators from the dropdown menu.


Traders can also customise a few basic settings when it comes to Exante’s trading platform. This is done through the Settings menu, which is located at the bottom left corner of the application. There are a few different tabs in Settings. The General tab allows users to choose the language of the application. Languages you can choose from include English, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, as well as Thai. There is even an Auto option, which means that the language of the application will follow the language of your operating system. This is fantastic for traders whose first language may not be English, or who speak another language not listed in Exante’s settings.

Users can also change the default currency by clicking on the Displayed Currency tab. You can pick between EUR, USD, AUD, CAD, CHF, GBP, HKD, JPY, SGD and more.

Other settings include changing your time zone to follow the time zone you are currently in, and the colour scheme, which allows you to pick either a light or dark theme. A dark theme can help to reduce the light emitted by device screens, while at the same time maintaining the minimum colour contrast ratios required to make it readable.

For novice traders, Exante also has the option of Showing Tips at startup. If you tick this option, you will automatically see a new technical tip about how to use the platform every time you log in. This can be great for traders just starting out or who are still unfamiliar with using the interface.

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