Student Travel Insurance For Your Gap Year
Your gap year should be a time when you are taking a break from school or uni by travelling abroad, pretty much carefree. You may work a little along the way at jobs such as picking fruit, waiting tables, or even voluntary conservation work. You may decide to take a few courses abroad, such as learning a foreign language. You’re seeing the world, experiencing life as you never have before, and you are enjoying it hugely.
Instead, many students spend this time bemoaning the fact that they neglected to take out travel insurance before their gap year started. They find themselves in a financial bind because of their lack of insurance coverage. That’s why we at insure4less.com.au want to get the word out to young Australians about what can happen to you if you fail to purchase travel insurance for students which some people have given the nickname “Peace of mind”.
Student travel insurance from insure4less is peace of mind, both for students and their families back home. There are quite a few uncertainties out there in the world that you can come across as you are travelling. If you are going abroad for your gap year, you will be a long way from home, and any financial help that your parents could offer you. You might think that you wouldn’t run into trouble that would be very expensive, but you’d be surprised at how much things can cost abroad, especially medical bills.
Let’s say you have an accident whilst in Europe, and break a leg. Or, you experience appendicitis or a gall bladder attack, and have to have surgery. Maybe you wake up one morning with an abscessed tooth. A medical procedure as simple as breaking a leg can be horribly expensive, and as far as routine surgery like an appendectomy, even more expensive. Dental procedures will also be more expensive than you are used to. Don’t go abroad unprepared! A travel insurance policy from insure4less will pay towards your medical bills and dental bills, including getting you back home again if you are too ill to travel the regular way. Blackcockshock, work, or study with no worries about any emergency medical expenses you might encounter.
Many times, students taking time out for a gap year enjoy various sports while travelling overeas. The potential for breaking bones and other injuries has always been higher than normal with some sports and activities. Student travel insurance with insure4less.com.au covers over 150 different adventure sports including bungee jumping, scuba diving and other sports normally considered dangerous.