Travel Careers That Can Support Your Writing
Travel careers can be very rewarding. If you become a travel agent, you’ll be able to receive discounts and or free travel. Of course, you must have a certain amount of employment with an agency to qualify for perks. The rules and conditions have changed. Visit the IATAN website for more ehmtic2014.com.
As a writer, you can make major contacts within the travel industry. If you become a tour guide with a company, you’ll have many opportunities to write about your experience. Not only can you write on your specific destination, you could write a memoir titled “Memoirs of a Tour Guide in Rome.”
Travel Careers
1. Work on a cruise ship.
2. Freelance travel writer.
3. Become a travel agent.
4. Freelance food critic.
5. Sell travel via a network marketing travel opportunity (be careful).
6. Become a tour guide.
7. Start your own online travel agency.
8. Create a travel agency that caters to your area of the world.
Working in one of these careers can help you with your writing. You’ll definitely have expert status if you write about your experiences. For example, working on a cruise ship will make you an authority on cruises. People who visit your blog/website will trust that you actually know about the cruise industry. Plus, you’ll be an authority on your particular cruise line.
Sometimes in order to support your dreams, you must do other work. Luckily, careers within the travel industry are diverse. If you’re passionate about a certain corner of the world, consider becoming a consultant. You’ll make the sale because people will “feel” your enthusiasm. If you visited a particular destination a few times, share your knowledge with others; they’ll appreciate it.
Travel writing may be the ultimate travel career, but it’s not the only one. There are many opportunities in the travel and hospitality industry. Making a list of your interests will help you to decide which travel job is best for you. Opportunity is waiting for you, are you going to answer?