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8 Types Of Businesses That Need Professional Online Translation Services

8 Types Of Businesses That Need Professional Online Translation Services

Whether you are in the business of selling products or providing services, if you want to expand your customer base beyond your immediate location, you need to be able to connect with people from all over the world. There is no more suitable way to do that than using professional online translation services.

You might think that only companies that sell products internationally need them. Still, there are actually a number of different types of businesses that can benefit from a professional translator. Here are eight types of companies that could use the help of a pro.

1. Companies with International Clients

Obviously, if you want to reach international customers, you need to speak their language. But even if your company has already done some translations, you may be missing out on some key areas where professional translation services can help.

For example, if you have only an English website version and have customers in Japan and Germany, you only reach a small portion of those countries’ populations. Even if they know English well enough to understand your product or service information, they will be more likely to buy from someone who makes them feel understood by providing helpful content in their own language. There were different types of research. One of the well-known is “Can’t read, won’t buy” which estimated that 60% of clients prefer websites in their native language, and 40% will not make a purchase if the information is not translated.

2. Companies That do Business with International Partners

Suppose your company sells products or services to other businesses in other countries (called B2B). In that case, it is essential to make sure everything is translated accurately, so there are no misunderstandings between partners and contractors. You may check Languex translation if you require fast, accurate, and affordable certified translation services for documents.

For instance, if you have offices in different countries or have a franchise, you need to keep everything to one standard. Thus, regardless of location, your company, or its tone of voice, its image stays identical. Professional online translation services will ensure that content, contracts, and all documents are accurate and precise for all parties involved.

3. Companies That Want to Expand Internationally

If your company wants to expand internationally, you will also need to use a localization service. Your content should be understandable and appropriate for people from all over the world. Translators will help with translating your website and preparing all the necessary documents. And the localization team will ensure that the overseas markets know what you have to offer and that you are not sending out incomprehensible messages.

4. Marketing Specialists that Need Local Audience Engagement

Online translation is one of the key elements in increasing brand awareness and scope towards your target business. Though some marketing specialists believe that automatic translation can fill in the work, it is still much different to hire a professional to do the job. As you may know, marketing translation can improve quality assurance, cultural knowledge, direct communication, consistency, tone, style, and business branding.

Marketing specialists need the SEO skills of professionals to reach a higher scope of potential customers. The skill gap is much better than an automated word-for-word translator than an experienced service provider that has been an explorer in marketing. It becomes much easier for marketing specialists to work with a partner with marketing knowledge, transcreation skills, and, most importantly, localization.

5. Law Firms that are Short in Interpretation Supports

There is no wonder that the world is continuously globalizing. Hence, it should be no surprise that law firms will eventually need the assistance of translation services. The reason is that law companies are always on top when conducting all types of interpretations. They use translations for court cases, foreign clients, interviews, and many different causes.

As you may know, law firms can not just let even the slightest misunderstanding occur as it can wholly affect the case. For instance, there are non-disclosure agreements, contracts, marriage licenses, and immigration applications that can not afford to have a single word wrongly translated.

6. Medical Industry and Emergency Services Calls

The medical industry, just like law firms, has a lot of hard-to-understand phrases that will eventually need interpretation. There are thousands of illnesses, so the range of medicinal terms is competitive with its numbers. Healthcare practitioners are also too busy to have the luxury of researching the definitions, so translators are needed.

It is the same way with emergency services which need urgent assistance with interpretation. Various situations can prove that. For the simplest example, a foreigner reported being involved in an accident. They may have called the emergency services, but no one would have interpreted better than a professional translator. Sometimes, a small medical room may have a list of common symptoms and diseases. So when a foreigner comes, they may use at least something to communicate. Of course, it is not like a translator. Sometimes it is very handy.

7. Online News Websites That Update Viewers Globally

News websites that provide global updates must communicate in multiple languages to comprehend what their international audience says. If your website is only available in foreign languages such as German and French and not in other languages such as Spanish and Japanese, you will be missing out on some of your international viewers in other nations.

But suppose you can give those readers valuable and accurate content with the help of expert translation services. Then you will receive the benefits of having a massive audience of worldwide viewers, who will ideally become your new dedicated viewers and ambassadors. Thus, you need to be able to keep them informed. Translators play a critical function in the way that they assist in providing accurate interpretations of the news stories.

8. Movie and Entertainment Industry

When it comes to news websites, they are professional and formal; yet, in the entertainment world, it is the opposite. Large firms and programs have been building a name for themselves in this industry, with Netflix serving as the best example. To be available on Netflix, each movie and series must be translated into many languages, which may be a time-consuming process without the assistance of qualified interpreting professionals.


●  Why do I need a Translator?

Unfamiliar language is often a barrier to international sales and clients. Since internet marketing has become crucial, customer service is also essential today.

If you are not careful, you can have a situation when a customer will not want to buy from you again because they feel the translation was poor and the overall presentation of your website is unprofessional. A good translation must go beyond just making sure it is correct, and it must also be clear, expressive, and easy to read.

●  Can I get a Cheap Translation?

A simple Google search for “local language translator” will yield hundreds of results for services that offer low-cost translations with no guarantees of the quality or accuracy of the content. Often, these services are from out-of-country translators who have never worked with your business before.

It is a must to work with a company that has experience working in your industry, knows the nuances of your business, and can keep you informed about what is considered acceptable in your industry.

●  How do I know Whether my Translator is any Good?

Always test the quality of a translation before you accept it for final use on your website. Try asking some questions that require the translator to give you an explanation instead of just giving you a simple sentence or two back to read.

Final thought

If you provide professional services or want your company to be trustable, you will need to care about user experience. Poor machine translation will not bring you customers. They may think it is a scam. People leave you their money, so they need to know that they can deal with you. When one sees a low-quality website, they will start having doubts about business products and services. No matter what industry you are in, if there is a chance to have foreign clients, translation and localization are a must.


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