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Moving Box Labels On A Budget: 7 Tips

Moving Box Labels On A Budget: 7 Tips

Moving to a new place or apartment can be quite time-consuming, but not if you’ve organized the boxes. The moving box labels can be the perfect solution to label your moving boxes and avoid any sort of hassle at the time of unpacking. A lot of people get confused while moving boxes due to no labeling for identification.

How To Label The Moving Boxes?

The right approach of moving box labeling is the best way to remain aware of the entire staff. You will be able to easily find any box and the stuff inside them just because there is a label at the top of the box. It wouldn’t cost much to use movers tape and labeling as you can get them on a budget. Here are some of the tips to make use of box labels in budget prices.

Count Your Boxes

Be detail-oriented while packing up the moving boxes. Number every box with easy-to-read big markings. You may also use the paper pad to write down the number and stick the same while packaging the moving boxes with movers tape.

Try to stick the slip properly so that it doesn’t get removed while carrying the luggage. To be on the safe side, take the picture of packaging slips on the moving boxes and store them on the cloud for later reference.

Color Code Moving Boxes

If the moving box labels seem to be the same for all the boxes, try using the multiple color codes to avoid any later confusion. It is a great step to avoid the stress of identifying the boxes and lets you focus on the box by box with better memory.

You can pick some multi-colored stickers from the office supply store. Choose your own color choices and label the boxes accordingly. The right way is to use the colored sticker at the same spot for every box to make sure you can find them easily while unpacking.

Keep the Labels on the Side of Boxes

Use the colored mover’s tape on the outer portion of the boxes and avoid the top sections. The idea is to easily identify them even after they’re stacked up at each other and top flaps remain covered. It might seem to be a minor step but will surely save a lot of time while unpacking.

Pack and Label by Room

Number the boxes as per the room or space for which they contain the items. Packing boxes and labeling them also needs an organized procedure to avoid any confusion later. For instance, you can use the packaging tubes to mark number 10 for the kitchen and 12 for the living room. This way you can be sure about the number of boxes and account for the stuff inside them.

Label by Priority or Contents

The shipping box labels must be used as per the contents as well. One approach is to “pack by room” where the one entire box contents will be as per the urgent need after reaching the new place. It will include the coffee pots from the kitchen, bedroom sheets, toiletries from the bathroom, and many others.

You might be needing a lot of other requirements and try to keep only essentials in this. The urgent box must be manageable and easy to carry. You are going to use it as soon as you reach the destination. The best approach is not to mix it with the other boxes and carry it along with you in the car.

Separate Labeling For Fragile Items

You might be having some costly stemware items that are more likely to break if not handled with care by packaging tubes. It is right to label them separately as “FRAGILE” and allow the packers and movers to understand that these boxes need maximum care. It is the tried and tested process to ensure the safety of the items.

In addition, some boxes need to be kept with the right side upwards. Keeping them in the wrong manner can lead to damage to the items they carry. Try adding some arrow stickers and place the boxes in the right direction every time as the arrow demonstrates.

Right Labeling can help Reduce Stress

Moving boxes can be quite stressful if not done smartly. Mattress boxes moving along with other items can be a lot to handle. You must use the best tricks like labeling moving boxes to control the chaos and handle the entire process with ease. Once you figure out how to label moving boxes, it can be a small move to provide maximum progress on the moving boxes task.


Hopefully, these tips related to moving box labels prove helpful in avoiding any concerns of relocation and shifting boxes. With proper labeling, you can ensure to have the most decent arrangement of the boxes at the new location and a sense of relief as you are fully aware of which item is in which box.

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