Virtual Office Activities Ideas for Better Employee Engagement

Virtual Office Activities Ideas for Better Employee Engagement

What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is how an employee is motivated to be involved with his or her job to the optimum. This involvement has to be passionate with his or her job. The employee needs to feel committed to his or her organisation. The employee also needs to put discretionary efforts into his or her work. Employee engagement is a process that goes beyond many activities, events, or games etc. Employee Engagement is the factor that helps in driving the performances of an employee.

In other words, Employee Engagement is the underlying strength of the mental or emotional connection the employee feels towards the work he or she does. It is the connection that works as a driving force for their teams and their organisation.

Employees with Employee engagement are more committed to their work, and they work harder to better their organisations. They stay for a longer period with their organisations. They also work as great motivators for the other employees in the organisation.

This group of employees proves to be an asset to the organisation. They enhance the organisation’ss profitability, help generate more revenue for the organisation, help create a better customer experience, and help reduce the employee turnover in the organisation to the minimum.

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The Objectives of Employee Engagement:

  • It helps in aligning employees with the goals and values of the organisation. It can be done by defining and explaining the organisation’s primary objectives by holding a meeting to communicate better.
  • It helps in maintaining the employee’s productivity. They actively participate in all organisational activities and work hard on every task. It helps in breaking down the monotony in the workplace.
  • It helps in enhancing the sense of well being in an employee. It is generally a psychological feeling. A better relationship atmosphere always helps in improving a sense of well being in an employee. They enjoy a sense of freedom, and they can personally grow better with a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
  • It helps in improving workplace conditions. It enhances the work environment, internal communication, teamwork, respect for each other and helps in maintaining a healthy relationship in the team. It all collectively drives productivity and engagement.
  • It helps in understanding the attitude of the employees. People work with their mindset. But this allows the employees to get the work delegated to them to complete a job collectively.
  • It is an excellent process for employee’s motivation. Employee engagement is the most substantial aspect of employee motivation. They perform better and prove to be more productive for the organisation.

Virtual Office Activities Ideas for Better Employee Engagement:

The present pandemic situation has forced many employees to remain confined to their homes and work from there. It has reduced the frequency of interpersonal contacts and communications to a very great extent. It also has enhanced the chances for a low ratio of employee engagement that may affect the employee’s performance, with the collective profitability of the organisation. It also runs the risk of reducing the collective performance output while working from home. Specific measures need to be taken to maintain the employee’s performance output, even in these conditions.

Virtual employee engagement activities are ways to improve the relationships between an organisation and its remote workers. It is also known as remote employee engagement.

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The process to Improve Employee Engagement virtually:

Some extra efforts are now needed to maintain the company’s culture. It will also help the employees feel that they are also indeed an integrated part of the team. It will help them feel like a part of the family, and they belong to this place.

  • The Health and wellness programs of every employee must be encouraged. Each employee must be personally involved to ensure that he or she is at the peak of her mental and physical health. A healthy employee performs better.
  • It is a must to stay connected. It can be done by hosting regular virtual meetings. It can be a regular feature.
  • Casual virtual hangouts are great stimulants for the mental health of the employees. It can be carefully and interestingly planned to keep the employees involved with their jobs.
  • It is more important now to pay personal attention to each of the employees. Everyone must feel that he is important and he is being listened to and heard. And they are valued.
  • One must carefully foster personal connections.
  • Lines of communication now needs to be kept open 24×7. Each one must stay connected, and everyone must be given equal value.

Virtual employee engagement activities are now more significant to make the organisation work better. It has become an integrated part of employee management.

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